Show Date June 21st 2025
Entries for photography competition (categories 14 & 15)
close Thursday May 29th (11:59pm) 2025
Floral entries (categories 1 - 13) close Wednesday June 18th (11:59pm) 2025
Late entries will not be accepted, and no entries will be allowed 'on the day' of the show.
How to enter:
Email the following information to electriccityflowershow@gmail.com
- *Competitor's name
- Categories entered and the number of entries in each category
You will receive a reply by email which tells you your entry number/s for categories entered. PLEASE MAKE A NOTE OF EACH CATEGORY AND THE NUMBER.
There will be a volunteer with the information if you forget, but it will speed up the check in process if you can go straight to the category/categories you have entered and place your exhibit/s.
Important notes:
Please read: Info & Rules
No entry fee/no prize money.
Multiple entries from one competitor, both in one category and multiple categories are allowed.
Exhibits to be delivered Saturday, June 21st, 2025 at the Nay Aug Park, Marmi and Gentile pavilions: 8am - 10am.
PLEASE DO NOT DRIVE INTO THE SHOW AREA UNLESS IT IS UNAVOIDABLE. Vehicles MUST be removed from the show site by 10am. The show site will be closed at 10am.
Judging will commence promptly at 10am. To maintain anonymity, no entries will be accepted after 10am.
An entry identified as clearly made in the wrong category prior to judging will be moved to the correct category. If identified after judging of the correct category has been completed, the entry will be moved and judged at the discretion of the judges.
Entries will be displayed anonymously for judging, i.e. without the name of the competitor. Names will only be made visible once all awards, including Best in Show and Reserve Best in Show, have been awarded.
First place (blue) and second place (red) ribbons only will be awarded with certificates.
Best in Show (purple and black) and Reserve Best in Show (purple and white) rosettes will be awarded with certificates.
Children will compete with adults in the cut flower and arrangement categories 1-11
The organizers assume no responsibility for the loss of, or damage to, exhibits or personal property of the exhibitors at any time.
What to do when you arrive on Saturday, June 21st:
- YOU SHOULD HAVE A NOTE OF THE ENTRY NUMBER/S FOR YOUR EXHIBITS. If you have forgotten your number/s see a volunteer wearing a green apron.
- The tickets will already be in place on the tables in number order within each category. Find the ticket corresponding to your entry.
- Place your entry directly to the LEFT of the ticket and tear off ONE stub. DO NOT move the ticket to another location. If there is not enough room for your exhibit, or you have any difficulty, ask a volunteer to help. If you move your exhibit to accommodate it, and it is not obviously in the area allocated to the category, it may not be judged.
- Make sure you DO NOT turn over the ticket to show your name. The number only should be showing to maintain anonymity during judging.
- Judging will begin promptly at 10am and is planned to end at 12 noon. It may take longer, please be patient. There will be an announcement once ribbons are awarded.
- DO NOT interrupt the judges. You will be allowed access once they are finished and not before.
- 1st place winners considered eligible for Best in Show will be moved to the Marmi Pavilion and Best in Show/Reserve Best in Show will be awarded.
- Tickets will be turned to show names of the winning exhibits.
A volunteer will be there to help you if you have any questions.
Entries, including containers and any other personal property, may be collected after 4pm. Please do not arrive early. Any exhibits not collected by 4:30pm will be disposed of at the discretion of the organizers, i.e. given to volunteers, composted, containers will be recycled.
Tips for choosing and displaying your entry are on the page 'Criteria for Judging Flowers'.
Single Bloom - a single stem displaying one bloom. Smaller (distracting) buds can have been removed.
Spray - a single stem that branches into multiple single blooms e.g. Asiatic lily, or a single stem with a cluster of small blooms e.g. rose
Identical Stems - 3 separate stems, each having a bloom/s that are identical to each other i.e. the flowers are in the same stage of bloom, the same color, size, shape etc.
Perennial - blooms every year.
Biennial - blooms in its second year and fades.
Annual - blooms in its first year and fades.
Judges _ Laura Haarmeyer, Gretchen Ludders
Marmi Pavilion, Categories
ALL Cut Flower Categories (1-6) are 1 Stem or 3 Identical Stems.
Single Bloom Perennials:
1 - Rose
2 - Clematis
Multiple Bloom and Spray, Perennial and Biennial:
3 - Lily
4 - Peony
5 - Delphinium, Lupine, Hollyhock
6 - Cut Flower, Single Bloom, Multiple Bloom, and Spray Perennial or Biennial not separately categorized
7 - Single Bloom, Multiple Bloom, and Spray Annuals.
o Single or three identical stems to be shown in a simple, clear vase or similar bottle.
o Stones, glass beads etc. are encouraged to weight the vase.
o Please make sure the stem is cut short enough that containers with large flowers are not 'top heavy' and easily tipped.
o Container to have clear water.
o Clear tape to create smaller openings is allowed.
o Stems must not be wired.
o Competitors may submit multiple entries of different colors and varieties.
o Definition of biennial: a plant that takes two years to grow from seed to fruition and then dies i.e. foxglove.
o Organizers will have final say as to whether a flower is an annual, perennial or biennial in PA (zones 5a through 7b).
8 - Ikebana Arrangement
o Must fit into a base area of 24" x 24"
o "Frogs" a traditional, spiked flower holder, are allowed.
o Minimalistic, balanced, 3 point design (representing humanity, earth, and heaven).
o Fresh seasonal blooms only.
o All display elements must be natural material.
o Any live material allowed, the exhibitor does not need to have grown the flowers or greenery in the arrangement.
Gentile Pavilion, Categories
9 - Mason Jar Posy
o Must be in a 16oz or 32oz Mason/Bell jar.
o Clear water only i.e. no added dye.
o Minimal number of stones or glass beads allowed, not to exceed 1/3 of the jar.
o Any live material allowed, the exhibitor does not need to have grown the flowers or greenery in the arrangement.
o No other material, either dried or synthetic is allowed in the arrangement.
o Decoration is allowed at the neck of the jar only, allowing an unobstructed view of the stems i.e. ribbon, hessian, raffia etc.
o Flowers must be unaltered i.e. no gloss spray, glitter etc.
o Lid, if present can be store bought for flower arranging or altered i.e. pierced, divided with clear tape etc.
10 - Creative Container
o Container must either be recycled, repurposed, or decorated with recycled materials.
o Businesses are encouraged to demonstrate recycling but may not advertise their store name.
o Must contain live plant material.
o Any live material is allowed, the exhibitor does not need to have grown the flowers or greenery.
o Any recycled material, either dried or synthetic is allowed in the arrangement.
o There is no limit on size or weight, but the exhibitor is responsible for placing the entry.
o Exhibitor agree that winning entry will be moved to the Marmi pavilion for Best in Show consideration and subsequent display, at the discretion of the judges, and only if possible. Exhibitor has the option to move the display. The organizers accept no responsibility for damage caused to the container or its contents during the moving process.
o If the exhibit cannot be, or is not moved, it will still be considered for the Best in Show award.
11 - Miniature Garden or Landscape
o Must fit in a base area 24” x 24”
o Outer container can be recycled or store-bought and alterations are allowed.
o Purpose-made, store bought ‘Fairy Garden’ containers are allowed.
o No height restriction, but the garden must be stable and self-supporting.
o Components and decorations can be made of recycled, repurposed, natural, or synthetic materials.
o Store-bought miniature items, e.g. figures, houses, furniture, decorations, models etc. are discouraged.
o Battery-powered, scale appropriate lighting and water features are allowed.
o Mirrors and glass materials are allowed in place of water, i.e. representing ponds & streams.
o Miniature artificial plants and flowers are NOT allowed. The garden/landscape must have ALL live plant material.
12 - Dried Flower Arrangement
o Must fit in a base area 24” x 24”
o Container is not required i.e. arrangement can be a bouquet, table centerpiece, wreath etc.
o No restriction as to type of container if used e.g. vase, basket, box, glass dome etc.
o No height restriction, but the arrangement must be stable and self-supporting.
o Decorations on the container, or bindings if no container is used, must be made of natural material i.e. raffia, string, hessian ribbons, paper.
o Components must be DRY, natural materials e.g. flowers, foliage, grasses, feathers.
o No faux flowers or foliage allowed i.e. silk, paper, fabric, plastic etc.
o You do not need to have grown and dried the flowers and foliage yourself.
o No water is allowed.
o Small wreathes should be displayed to their best advantage, at an angle by propping them up securely, or using a stand.
o No artificial enhancement by coloring in the form of paint, or glitter etc.
Any child attending school through to, and including elementary school, age 11 years and under may enter the children's category. Children may also enter any other adult category, including Category 11 - Miniature Garden or Lanscape.
Children's Category 13 - Fairy Garden
o Must fit in a base area 24” x 24”
o Outer container can be recycled or store-bought and alterations are allowed.
o Purpose-made, store bought ‘Fairy Garden’ containers are allowed.
o No height restriction, but the garden must be stable and self-supporting.
o Components and decorations can be made of recycled, repurposed, natural, or synthetic materials.
o Store-bought miniature items, e.g. figures, houses, furniture, decorations, models etc. are allowed.
o Battery-powered, scale appropriate lighting and water features are allowed.
o Mirrors and glass materials are allowed in place of water, i.e. representing ponds & streams.
o Miniature artificial plants are flowers are allowed but are not desirable.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When emailing your entry, by clicking the submit button, you are confirming you have read and understood the rules and disclaimer as shown below.
Category 14 - Photography "Harmony"
Judging: On-line voting (counted by Facebook "Like")
o See Rules and Disclaimer below before entering.
o Theme is living plants and trees growing in harmony with manmade structures and items, e.g. including plants on arbors, arches and pergolas etc. or growing in unusual places
o Photograph should not include people or advertising
o On-line entries only
o Multiple entries allowed, 2 per person
o Open to Pennsylvania residents only
o The photograph does not have to have been taken in Pennsylvania but must have been taken by the entrant.
o Entries can be submitted through to Thursday May 29th (11:59pm) 2025 by email to ecfsphotocomp@gmail.com Use heading "Harmony"
o Email should contain name and city of residency of the competitor, and confirm state of Pennsylvania
o Voting open Voting Saturday May 31st - Sunday June 8th (11:59pm) 2025 on the Facebook page ECFS Photography Competition
o During the voting period the photographs will be shown anonymously.
o Voting will be by hitting the 'Like' button for your favorite photo/s
o Winner and second place will be determined by the number of Like's on the individual photos. In the event of a tied number of votes The Organizer, Carol Deeley, will cast the deciding votes.
o First and second place entries will be printed on canvas and displayed in the Everhart Museum on the day of the show Saturday June 21st, before being awarded to the competitors after the close of show (4:00pm)
Category 15 - Photography "Wildlife"
Judging: On-line voting (counted by Facebook "Like")
o See Rules and Disclaimer below before entering.
o Theme is any study of "wild" and undomesticated living creatures, i.e. animals, birds, reptiles, fish and insects. Note: this category does not include pets and domesticated farm animals i.e. those dependent upon human care. E.g. a wild horse running free is acceptable but a horse in a paddock would not be acceptable
o Photograph should not include people or advertising
o On-line entries only
o Multiple entries allowed, 2 per person
o Open to Pennsylvania residents only
o Open to both amateur and professional photographers
o The photograph dos not have to have been taken in Pennsylvania but must have been taken by the entrant
o Entries can be submitted through to Thursday May 29th (11:59pm) 2025 by email to ecfsphotocomp@gmail.com Use heading "Wildlife"
o Email should contain name and city of residency of the competitor to confirm state of Pennsylvania
o Voting open Voting Saturday May 31st 2025 - Sunday June 8th (11:59pm) 2025 on the Facebook page ECFS Photography Competition
o The photographs will be shown anonymously
o Voting will be by hitting the 'Like' button for your favorite photo/s (no limit)
o Winner and second place will be determined by the number of Like's on the individual photos. In the event of a tied number of votes The Organizer, Carol Deeley, will cast the deciding votes.
o First and second place entries will be printed on canvas and displayed in the Everhart Museum on the day of the show Saturday June 21st, before being awarded to the competitors after the close of show (4:00pm)
1st and 2nd place winners of the 2024 Category 14 "The Natural World"

Daniel Kauffman Carla Preate
1st and 2nd place winners of the 2024 Category 15 "Wildlife"

Alice Taylor-McGraw Dawn Long
Electric City Flower Show Photography Competition
Rules and Disclaimer
- Carol Deeley will be hereafter referred to as the “Organizer”.
- This is an open competition for residents of Pennsylvania with no entry fee.
- Entries are allowed from both amateur and professional photographers.
- All photos must be original work, taken by the entrants. No third party may own or control any materials the photo contains, and the photo must not infringe upon the trademark, copyright, moral rights, intellectual rights, or rights of privacy of any entity or person.
- The photo must be in its original state and cannot be altered in any way, including but not limited to removing, adding, reversing, or distorting subjects within the frame.
- All entries must be sent via email to: ecfsphotocomp@gmail.com Subject line to state the category entered. Email must contain name of photographer, city and confirm residency within the state of Pennsylvania. IMPORTANT NOTE: by clicking the submit button, you are confirming you have read and understood these rules and disclaimer.
- Multiple entries are allowed, maximum of 2 per person per category (4 total).
- Winners and second place winners will receive an official Electric City Flower Show ribbon (1st place blue, 2nd place red) and a certificate. Their winning entries will be printed onto a canvas, size to be determined by the Organizer. There is no cash prize or cash alternative.
- The canvases will be on display at the Electric City Flower Show in the Everhart Museum from 10am – 4pm June 21st, 2025 and then can be claimed by the winning photographers.
- All those entering the competition agree to the use of their photographs by the organizers for publicity and advertising purposes only.
- Entries accepted from date of announcement up to Thursday May 29th (11:59pm) 2025. Submissions will not be accepted once the deadline lapses.
- Voting will be open Saturday May 31st - Sunday June 8th (11:59pm) 2025
- Voting is by visitors to the Facebook page: ECFS Photography Competition vote by liking (“Like”) the photographs. Votes for multiple photos is allowed. Facebook automatically restricts multiple votes for one photograph.
- Winners will be notified after Sunday June 8th (11:59pm) 2025 via email and results posted on Electric City Flower Show Facebook pages.
- Those proven to have violated any of the above rules will be removed from the contest, stripped of any prize(s), and banned from entering future contests.
- The organizers reserve the right to disqualify any entry that is deemed inappropriate or does not conform to stated contest rules.
- If it is determined by the Organizer that Facebook "Like" votes have been purchased, those votes identified by the Organizer will not be counted. But as it is not possible to establish who bought the votes, no disqualifications will be made.
- All the Organizer’s decisions are final.
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